ABS vs Polycarbonate Filament - Which One is More Transparent

July 28, 2021

ABS vs Polycarbonate Filament - Which One is More Transparent

Transparency is an important factor to consider when 3D printing objects. Two of the most popular filaments for 3D printing are ABS and polycarbonate. In this blog post, we will compare these two filaments in terms of transparency and determine which one is more transparent.

Transparency of ABS Filament

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a commonly used filament in 3D printing. It is known for being strong, durable, and easy to use. However, ABS is not known for its transparency. ABS is considered semi-transparent, which means that light can pass through it, but objects behind it are not clearly visible.

The transparency of ABS can be impacted by factors such as the thickness of the object, the color of the filament, and the printing settings used. Generally, lighter colors of ABS tend to be more transparent than darker colors.

Transparency of Polycarbonate Filament

Polycarbonate is another popular filament for 3D printing. It is known for being strong, durable, and impact-resistant. Polycarbonate is also transparent, which makes it a great choice for 3D printing objects that need to be see-through.

The transparency of polycarbonate is not affected by the color of the filament or the thickness of the object. However, printing settings such as temperature and speed can impact the clarity of the polycarbonate object.


When it comes to transparency, polycarbonate filament is the clear winner. While ABS can be semi-transparent, polycarbonate offers high clarity and is perfect for 3D printing objects that need to be see-through.

That being said, the choice of filament ultimately depends on the requirements of the project. If strength and durability are the primary concerns, ABS is a great choice. If transparency is the main requirement, polycarbonate is the way to go.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in determining which filament is right for your next 3D printing project.


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